
This component renders a text shaped element.

Basic Usage

There are many variations of passages!

<TTitle>There are many variations of passages!</TTitle>


There are many variations of passages!

<TTitle tag="h4">There are many variations of passages!</TTitle>


There are many variations of passages!

<TTitle value="There are many variations of passages!" />


There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

<TTitle size="md">There are many variations of passages!</TTitle>


There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

<TTitle color="success">There are many variations of passages!</TTitle>


There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

<TTitle weight="semibold">There are many variations of passages!</TTitle>


There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

There are many variations of passages!

<TTitle leading="tight">There are many variations of passages!</TTitle>


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