
This component renders a snackbar that offers easy to use api for its transition and position and full customization of the snackbar's content.

To generate snackbars programmatically, check the use-popups plugin.


In order to control the snackbar status you need to define a controller that can be used and passed to other components.

const controller = TUsePopupController.create();

Later on you can control the status of the snackbar using the controller value which offers these methods:

const onClick = (event: MouseEvent) => {
  // Toggle the current status of the snackbar
  controller.toggle({ event });
  // Show the snackbar
  controller.show({ event });
  // Hide the snackbar

Basic Usage

import { TButton, TCard, TSnackbar } from "@dija/tohama-components";
import { TUsePopupController } from "@dija/tohama-shared";
import { defineComponent } from "vue";

export const Basic = defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const controller = TUsePopupController.create();

    const onClick = async (event: MouseEvent) => {
      // Toggle the current status of the snackbar
      await controller.toggle({ event });

    return () => (
      <TCard design="outlined" p>
        <TButton onClick={onClick}>Toggle Snackbar</TButton>

        <TSnackbar controller={controller}>Hello, I'm a snackbar!</TSnackbar>

Persistent and Slots

To make a snackbar persistent, set duration to 0.

import { TButton, TCard, TSnackbar, mdiClose } from "@dija/tohama-components";
import { TUsePopupController } from "@dija/tohama-shared";
import { defineComponent } from "vue";

export const PersistentSlots = defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const controller = TUsePopupController.create();

    const onClick = async (event: MouseEvent) => {
      // Toggle the current status of the snackbar
      await controller.toggle({ event });

    return () => (
      <TCard design="outlined" p>
        <TButton onClick={onClick}>Toggle Snackbar</TButton>

          actions={() => <TIcon icon="mdi:twitter" />}
          Click anywhere to hide!


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