
This component displays an image as wallpaper from the network by providing its source. Use it to display a background image with or without a default slot. It supports lazy loading and load transition.

Basic Usage

<TWallpaper src="https://source.unsplash.com/1400x800/?aerial">...</TWallpaper>

t-aspect-ratio Component

<TGrid cols="3" gap="2">
  <TWallpaper src="https://source.unsplash.com/500x500/?newyork">
    <TAspectRatio ratio="1">
      <TFlex direction="col" justify="center" align="center">
        <TIconButton design="raised" color="danger" icon="mdi:heart" />

Lazy Loading Disabled and Custom Opacity

<TWallpaper src="https://source.unsplash.com/1400x800/?aerial" opacity={0.4}>
  <TAspectRatio ratio={9 / 16}>
    <TFlex direction="col" justify="center" align="center">
      <TTohamaBrand class="w-12 md:w-24" colorful logo />


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