Local Storage

This composable provides an easy way to add and retrieve data from the native Storage API. Provide a key and initial value, and call setValue to update its value. Enable sync to retrieve stored data when the component is mounted.

Saved Data:

import { TCard, TCell, TDivider, TInputText, TInputTextController, TText } from "@dija/tohama-components";
import { useLocalStorage } from "@dija/tohama-use";
import { defineComponent } from "vue";

export default defineComponent({
  setup() {
    const user = useLocalStorage<{ name: string }>({
      key: "tohama-use-local-storage",
      initialValue: { name: "New user" },
      sync: true,

    return () => (
        <TText>Saved Data:</TText>
        <TCard design="outlined" p>
          <TText>Name: </TText>

        <TDivider my />

            value: user.value.value?.name,
            onUpdate: ({ controller }) => {
              user.setValue({ name: controller.value ?? "New user" });